Frank, Hans (1900-1946) Reich Minister of Justice.Born 1900 Served one year in the First World War and joined the Freikorps (right wing paramilitary units during the Weimar period) and fought against the Communists in Munich in 1919. He was a member of the Nazi Party from the early days and participated in the 1923 Beer-Hall Putsch in Munich. Studied law and as a lawyer defended many SA members who had participated in street fights with the Communists and was nominated leader of the legal division of the Nazi Party. Frank was member of the Reichstag from 1930, and after Hitler became chancellor, was appointed Reich Minister of Justice. After the conquest of Poland in September 1939 Frank was appointed Governor-General of occupied Poland. After the war he was brought before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, found guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes and hanged in 1946.